Reminisce The Tradition

Chita | Usaha | Jaya



We’re thrilled for the return of Old Boys Weekend! Anticipating joyous reunions, laughter-filled reminiscences, and renewed connections. It’s a celebration of cherished memories and enduring friendships, an event that brings the spirit of camaraderie back to life. Join us in the excitement!

Back to Norm

After Covid-19, we’re joyously resurrecting our cherished annual tradition, paused for three long years. The revival promises shared moments, rekindled camaraderie, and a renewed commitment to the enduring spirit that defines our community. Welcome back to tradition and celebration!

ASAS Spirits

Despite the absence of OBW in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, the ASAS spirit perseveres. Undeterred by challenges, our community’s resilience remains unwavering, and we look forward to rekindling the OBW tradition with even greater enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Reminisce The Tradition

Reminiscing about the tradition within all ASAS members is crucial as it strengthens the collective identity and bonds. It fosters a sense of continuity, shared history, and unity, providing a source of inspiration, motivation, and a reminder of the enduring values that define the ASAS community.

READY to take up the task!!

We’re gearing up for an unforgettable Old Boys Weekend in September 2024, receiving valuable assistance from the dedicated Batch 2007-2011. The collaboration promises a fusion of experience and fresh enthusiasm, ensuring a meticulously organised event. Despite the anticipated challenges, the shared commitment to revive this cherished tradition fuels excitement. It’s a labor of love, a journey that transcends generations, as we eagerly anticipate the joy of reunions, laughter, and the revitalisation of bonds that define the unique ASAS spirit. Together, we forge ahead, weaving the threads of tradition into the vibrant tapestry of our alumni community.

Raising Funds

Support growth, innovation, and impact – raise funds for community betterment.

Collecting Donations

Collect donations to empower change, support causes, and make a difference.

ASASINC… Assemble

Reviving the flame extinguished by Covid-19 is our challenge. Now, overcoming obstacles, the long-awaited OBW weekend will reignite, symbolizing resilience, unity, and the triumph of connection over adversity.

In a concerted effort, all ASASINC members have convened for a pivotal task. Cipoi assumes leadership in the southern division, utilizing expertise and local insight. Aroel takes charge of communication, managing calls alongside Sabir to ensure seamless coordination. The dynamic trio of Mizra, Sye, and Hafizuddin joins forces, bringing diverse skills to the table, providing invaluable support. This collaborative assembly of talents signifies a united front, demonstrating the strength and cohesion within ASASINC. With each member contributing their unique capabilities, we’re poised to overcome challenges and achieve success, exemplifying the power of collective effort in our shared mission.

Recent Projects

Movie Night

5 of us gathered to watch the movie ‘Mat Kilau’. We had a good time.

Energy Shortage

Energy fuels our endeavors, vital to our pursuits. Cikgu Amin embodies passion, inspiring with boundless enthusiasm.

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